
Ragnar Viktor Karlsson

The Author

My story

In 2013 I began to see visions, and my eyes began to open to the truth around me. I started to feel people’s suffering inside of me, and I went through a lot of grief and felt bad for a long time. After that, I developed a strong desire within me to help people and do good for others.

I started my search to find a way to help others, and I found many different ideas. It was in 2015 that I went to Guðbjörg Sveinsdóttir, who had worked as a spiritual teacher for almost 30 years. I told her about the visions I had experienced and the strong desire that I had received in my chest

Very soon I became her student, and my spiritual opening and awakening to self-awareness began. I went to her regularly for about seven years, and from her I gained a wisdom that gave me spiritual development and higher consciousness. I gained a deeper understanding of myself, the people around me, and all life and existence. Anxiety, fear, and worries disappeared from my life; my chest was filled with love, and I began to experience greater inner strength and balance. Guðbjörg taught me and guided me on the spiritual path that leads to life. There was a great and positive transformation in my life, and I began to experience great happiness and joy in every moment.

At that moment I knew that my life mission was to be a spiritual teacher and to help others, but for a long time I did not know what that teaching and help should be. Finally, I understood that my mission was to write spiritual books to help people to achieve spiritual development and higher consciousness. To transform suffering into happiness and to help people become self-aware about their thoughts and feelings. To help people gain a deeper understanding of themselves and others and experience true happiness, joy, and love in life.

In my books I share my experiences from my spiritual awakening and opening, and I share wisdom from the soul.

It is my sincere wish that as many people as possible can use these books to their advantage in life, and that they can live in love and happiness in every moment of their life and teach others to do the same.