Spiritual Teaching and intuition


Ragnar Viktor Karlsson

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Spiritual Teaching and intuition
Published 16.12.2023

As your spiritual awakening begins and you are ready to awaken to self-awareness, many questions come to mind. Questions like who you are, what is the purpose of life, and what happens after this life. Interest in spiritual matters becomes intense and can take over life for a while. There are many spiritual books that help with spiritual opening and awakening to self-awareness. There are also many spiritual teachers who share their experience, knowledge, and wisdom with others. The teaching material available is of various kinds and deals with different subjects. Each teacher teaches and writes in his own way and with his own approach, and most of the time he is describing and communicating his own spiritual journey and the challenges that came along the way.

There are many obstacles along the way and many things that try to slow you down and make you stop and give up. Therefore, it takes a lot of determination and courage to go all the way and experience a full spiritual opening, that is a freedom from the illusions and fears of the earthly life and to be able to experience a life with happiness and unconditional love that comes from the heart.

At the beginning of the journey you could ask, “Where can I find the best teaching materials?” Where can I find a true spiritual teacher?” The material can be very different and even in conflict with each other. Two spiritual teachers may teach certain things in different ways, and they may even have different opinions on the subject. The student is then asking, “Who is right?” Who can be trusted?” Everyone must trust their own intuition and feelings and learn to listen to the feelings in their heart because there lies the truth and the answers to what is wrong and what is right.

When you read spiritual book or listen to a spiritual teacher, it is good to be aware of your feelings in your heart. If you feel lightness and love, then the teaching is right and suitable for you, but if you experience fear and discomfort, then it is not suitable for you. True spiritual teaching should create inner calm, peace, and love in the student’s heart, not fear and discomfort. The further you go on your spiritual path, your self-awareness becomes stronger, as do your feelings in your heart. You will learn to listen to them and use them as a guide on your journey. You will learn to avoid what does not suit you and creates discomfort within you, and in the same way you will be attracted to what suits you and your journey. Everything is not as it seems in this world and in the end, it is only you who can judge what is best for you. You will also learn to recognize the truth when it appears and thus you will recognize the deceptions. Your intuition is your compass that has always been there, listen to your intuition and use it to your advantage in life. This applies to everything you do in life, and it will help you make the right decisions in your life and career.

If you want to get help and support from a spiritual teacher, you must choose carefully because a true spiritual teacher is hard to find, but you will feel it in your heart when you have found the teacher who is true and suits you and your journey. He will guide you along the spiritual path and he will share his experience with you. Everyone eventually must walk their own spiritual path to spiritual opening, and it is up to each person when the journey begins and how long time it takes. The spiritual teacher will appear when you are ready start your journey. Learn as soon as possible to listen to your intuition and feelings, and they will direct you in the right direction and help your journey to be successful. Beware of not letting other mislead you into a wrong path that delays your progress. Always be a brave and firm student and your wishes will come true and you will have a happy and loving life without conditions, and no one can take it away from you. You will gain inner peace, balance and strength and an ability to handle your life’s tasks and the challenges that comes in your life and work.

You will then help others find happiness and love with your presence and your words.


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